My Bubba
Foto: Johan Rosemunthe
My bubba / 19.00 – 19.40
The two Scandinavians My Larsdotter and Bubba Tomasdottir like to step on the toes of great, meaning famous, men. They reinterpreted Marvin Gaye’s tearjerker »Sexual Healing« as a folk duet and one of the musicians actually stepped on Brian Adam’s feet when she met him once. At least that’s what the duo tells us. But you don’t need to be scared of My bubba, even if their new album is confusingly titled »Big Bad Good«. Here, everything glistens golden and peaceful. Swedish Larsdotter and her Icelandic partner Tomasdottir luff softly like a mantra and constantly keep their frail voices in high tension. Their songs – that are mostly developed in the studio – breathe the air of long journeys and smoky jazz bars. Their appearance at Pop-Kultur will be My bubba’s first ever show in Germany.

The Weather Station
The Weather Station / 20.00 – 20.40
Tamara Lindeman already acted in a TV mystery drama, a snowboard mystery drama to be more exact. As a musician, she announces the weather under the alias of The Weather Station. Well, not really. And if, it would be very good prospects in soft pastel tones. The Canadian recorded three albums since 2006. She plays fireside lounge folk with a hint of country. Lindeman is a meticulous observer of the interpersonal and the details of everyday life. She is able to dedicate her poetic awareness to the glass of honey as well as to her lover or a family member. Her songs have such a consistency and density, that she is able to beam a small, colorful world into the heads of her audience during a The Weather Station concert.

MissinCat / 21.00 – 22.00
At some point, Caterina Barbieri ended up in Berlin. The Italian musician dared the move to the German capital as so many other musicians before and after her, did. And, she is enriching the local scene with playful Minimal Pop tracks. In 2009, she released her debut album and toured with Amy WineHouse just a little later. After she moved to a more opulent instrumentation on her third LP »Wirewalker« in 2015, Barbieri now wrote her first full-length record completely in Italian. She will premiere the songs at our festival.