Pop-Kultur 2016 is approaching fast and we’re pretty sure that you already faced our module plan, right? Chris Köver did and we’re happy to share her ideas in a new edition of “How to Pop-Kultur.” The founder of Missy Magazine is also writing for WIRED Germany these days and likes to call her self part feminist/ part tech. And you can also sense that in her plan for September the 1st, so get ready to get excited with these recommendations.
On Thursday, I’ll go to see Fatima Al Qadiri’s talk. I loved to read her Global.Wav columns in DIS magazine. And when an Arab artist makes an album on police brutality in the USA, I want to hear what she has to say about it.
Thereafter, I’m totally looking forward to seeing Skinny Girl Diet. I read about them in a British Fanzine a year ago and had an immediate crush on them. Postpunk’s feminist daughters, I want more.
If I’ve got enough energy left, I’ll watch Tellavision, Fee Kuerten’s solo project. In Hamburg, I saw her rule the audience with her self-hacked machines during a concert in the Hanseplatte record shop. That really impressed me. After that, I’ll probably be happy, drunk, and tired and I’ll haul myself back home because there are going to be texts that will have to be written the next day.
Wer sich den Pop-Kultur Plan von Chris Köver selber zusammenstellen möchte, der bekommt mit dem »Wahl-Abo« einen Rabatt von 10%. Und ab 5 Tickets gibt es sogar ganze 20% Rabatt.