Levin goes lightly
Levin goes lightly / 22.00 – 22.40
Now they’re even doing Glam in Stuttgart! Levin goes lightly is the new glimmering star on the Southern Sky. Young people have always studied arts to become musicians. Levin is no exception among the Pete Townshends, Lady Gagas and Keith Richards’ of this world. And as we are talking great names: Levin’s music can be compared to Bowie in his early Berlin-phase. But, where are such comparisons supposed to lead us? Let’s rather state that Levin goes lightly is going to present new unreleased songs next to the material from his amazing album »Neo Romantic«. Furthermore, you should know that he’s accompanied by a real Stuttgart Allstar band consisting of Max Rieger (Die Nerven), Paul Schwarz (Human Abfall), and Thomas Zehnle (Wolf Mountains).

PINS / 23:00 – 23:40
»What will we do, what will we do when our dreams come true, young girls, young girls?« It’s been a long time since someone so intensely asked for the meaning of life. If that means »What comes after growing up?« or »… after the feminist world revolution?« is yet to be decided on. PINS from Manchester serve up the soundtrack for a generation that doesn’t want to put up with TINA-austerity and an existing inequality within society. Faith Holgate, Lois McDonald, Anna Donigan, Sophie Galpin and Kyoko Swan already played support shows for Sleater-Kinney. Their second album »Wild Nights« was recently recorded in the Joshua Tree desert. Short and sweet: The title keeps its promise.

Best Friends
Best Friends / 00:00 – 01:00
»If You Think Too Much Your Brain Will Fall Out« Ok, so that’s cleared up. The man turning such medical advice into song titles is called Dr. Lewis Sharman. He’s passionately singing about nose bleeding and orange juice and is the front man of the English band Best Friends. Alright, we made up the doctoral degree, but just because Best Friends have strummed their way into our hearts long ago. The thing with garage Pop bands is this: They either sound like a shopworn copy of all the garage Pop bands that have ever existed, or they immediately dock onto the garage Pop center, located approximately 9.5 centimeters right of everyone’s left nipple. Because its singer, like Sharman, sings so croakily sensual. Because he sings about pure life, instead of caring about musical theories. And because guitars, bass, and drums are riskily going at it. Finally a friend request, you’re gladly going to accept.
Website / Facebook / Bandcamp / Soundcloud

DJ Lobotomy / 01:00 – 05:00
From the Stones to Iggy Pop, from Indie to Techno: DJ Lobotomy began to develop his craftsmanship at the tender age of 15 and already went through a couple of style changes in his younger years. Once turned 18, he moved from Munich to Cologne where he organized the »Cosmic Orgasm« series. After relocating to the new German capital in 1994, he became resident in the legendary club/gallery berlintokyo, praised until today by not only Rafael Horzon. At present, he and his tattoo adorned heart are mostly occupied with Rock’n’Roll, as he is organizing the concert series »Lobotomy Ltd.« in the White Trash, featuring young Berlin Punk bands and other Berlin-based DJ’s – supported by the Musicboard Berlin. This man knows how a Berlin night has to look.
PS: His unconventional name was given to DJ Lobotomy by none other than Stereo Total’s Brezel Göring.

lislbar & wermuth (DJ-Set) / 01:00 – 05:00
Berlin based bohemian drips (sic) is out to bring you a very special sound. The team behind the label captures very special live performances in a very special way, with jazz and psychedelic rock artists being put into carefully curated spaces to perform front of the 3-D dummy head recorder, pressing the interactions between music, architecture and atmosphere to intense vinyl-only releases. You can barely find a more immersive recording out there than these ones. Alexander Meurer and Fillipp Vingerhoets are the two label founders and also deejay under the moniker lislbar & wermuth (sic), bringing the bohemian drips sound to Pop-Kultur for a set you surely don’t experience at a music festival ever so often. Obscure, psychedelic, and vinyl-only of course.