Photo: Michael Ullrich
Schwund / 22.00 – 22.40 / SchwuZ Kathedrale
»Ich habe nichts zu bieten und will doch mit niemandem tauschen.« ( I don’t have anything to offer but I still don’t want to change places with anyone). So, it is with empty hands, the band Schwund (wastage/depletion) is undertaking its »Gedankenüberfall (Thought Attack)« – that’s the title of their latest EP. “Free all robbers!” already young Schiller demanded. His disobedient heirs used to play No-Punk in their recent history. Now, the band is making Synth Punk. Heads are rattling and bodies are shaking. And it really hits the spot. Of course, one has to think of DFA, Hansaplast and Der Plan, but only because this is just as good. Then again, there’s always a little depletion. But not on stage: the band will always be at 100 % when they play brand new material at Pop-Kultur.

Deadbear / 22.20 – 23.00 / SchwuZ Salon
We can’t really decide on the most exciting details of Nick Donovan’s biography. Is it, that he wrote essays on Kanye West and David Bowie? That he was part of a laptop orchestra in university? Or maybe, that he programmed an app for the gigantic Large Hadron Collider of the CERN? Well, let’s put it this way: the man has a lot of talents. One of them is music. Under the alias of Deadbear, Donovan publishes taken aback pitter-patter Electronica. You might have to put your ear to the speakers and maybe switch off eventual distractions, but it’s worth it. In another world premiere, Pop-Kultur will feature new Deadbear songs in a completely overhauled live setup.

rRoxymore / 22.20 – 00.20 / SchwuZ Bunker
Coming in from Montpellier, Hermione Frank entered an exclusive musical circle of Berlin expats, with members such as Jam Rostron (Planningtorock), Perera Elsewhere, Paula Temple and Olof Drejier (ex-The Knife) among others. Frank, who already put out records via Human Level and Huntleys & Palmers, is the energetic power house of the circle. Her sets are jacking in such a hard and airily rough way – it gives your heart a boost and makes your limbs shake. Music-wise, she is constantly moving all over the place, going straight for Leftfield. For our festival, she ventures on an exclusive selected Disco-Set, something that we’re haven’t seen from her before.

Ezra Furman
Ezra Furman / 23.00 – 00.00 / SchwuZ Kathedrale
Three years ago, Ezra Furman almost quit it all. The gender fluid musician* from Chicago had just released his second solo album, preceded by three albums with his old band. If it doesn’t work out, this time, I’m going to quit, Furman swore to himself. »Day of the Dog« didn’t go to the dogs, though. On the contrary: the light-footed, high-heeled Rock’n’Roll (justly) became popular and was, among others, praised by the British Guardian. The following album »Perpetual Motion People« exceeded the firs record and displayed an unleashed performer, who appeared to be more open and camp than ever. The big Lou Reed fan Furman underlined, that allegedly antiquated guitar music still has great identification potential for young people that do not find themselves within the role descriptions society offers them. Accompanied by his backing band The Boyfriends, Ezra Furman will present one or two new hits on his only German show in 2016.

Photo: Mujale Chisebuka
SassyBlack / 23.20 – 00.20 / SchwuZ Salon
Who listened to alternative hip hop and soul in recent years will immediately recognise her voice: Cathrine »Cat« Harris-White is one-half of the grandly talented duo THEESatisfaction. With the project SassyBlack, the singer and producer is very active on the side – but the music is not any less remarkable. Harris-White is simply progressing the spiritual afro-futurism of her band on her own. She preaches the love of oneself and to the funk, shines sunlight on the darkest of corners. Her first album, to be premiered for the first time in Europe at Pop-Kultur, is called »No More Lame Dates«. It puts the rich roller coasting experience of its love seeking protagonist to music, who also happens to be a black queer woman in the modern USA. Look forward to this night, de-install Tinder, clean your hearts and open your ears!

Photo: Alexandra Kinga Fekete
Trümmer / 00.20 – 01.20 / SchwuZ Kathedrale
EA couple of shows and a potato stamped, self-distributed cassette – that’s all it took to get the Hamburg-based group Trümmer (Rubble) and their colleagues „Zucker“ into the SPEX magazine. Since then, the band went uphill while the city went downhill: the so-called Lampedusa Refugees were refused the right to stay, police forces occupied St. Pauli, the Esso-High Rises were torn down. Trümmer delivered the gutsy soundtrack for the situation. Their debut combined Post Punk with the old, life-affirming spirit of Rock’n’Roll. Suddenly, people dreamt, smoked and loved again, they dared utopian thoughts, laughed and drank again. »Komm wir sehen uns später auf den Barrikaden / Nostalgie ist prinzipiell nicht zu ertragen« (Come on, we’ll meet later on the barricades / Nostalgia is in principle unbearable) was the slogan. Countless euphoric concerts, work at Hamburg’s Thalia Theatre and a Rock Opera about a hipster turning into an IS-sympathizer later, Trümmer kidnap us and take us to the »Interzone« on their new album.

Tygapaw / 00.20 – 02.20 / SchwuZ Bunker
»I make future slow jamz« (sic), says Dion Mac about herself. The New York-based multi-talent (director, graphics designer, musician, DJ) originates from Mandeville, Jamaica and works under the alias of Tygapaw. In her music, lasciviously sensitive R&B is blended with club music between Garage, Bass Music, and Electro Pop. A crackling revelation. Her club nights SHOTTAS NYC and Fake Accent created an artistic free space for the young queer Caribbean community of New York. Furthermore, she is closely connected to the Discwoman-Collective, that is currently causing a stir in the alternative clubs of America. Pop-Kultur is bringing her to Germany for the first time.

U.S. Girls
Photo: Drew Reynolds
U.S. Girls / 00.40 – 01.40 / SchwuZ Salon
»A woman’s work is never done.« That was the verdict of Meg Remy’s last record as U.S. Girls. The US musician, based in Toronto, finally made the breakthrough with this, her sixth record. And it’s not owed to her new label, the renowned 4AD, but to the fact that she created a gripping album about the everyday life of hardworking American women and the patriarchal narrowness of her family. She proved herself to be a great storyteller, who has the ability to form complex content into catchy Pop jams that don’t lose their charm even after hundreds of listens. Moreover, she is a powerful force on stage, a one-woman-loop machine-machine, who isn’t shy with the audience and knows how to pull them onto her side.

Noga Erez
Photo: Rob Kohen
Noga Erez / 02.00 – 02.40 / SchwuZ Salon
Noga Erez played rock and jazz before leaving all her previous bands aside to start her own solo project. With a her brisk voice she’s taken over the Tel Aviv scene, has already played Primavera festival and counts colleagues as Son Lux among her fans. She puts verve in every line and melody, offering more relaxed sing-along moments as well as heavy electro pop reminiscing hip hop beats. Loops are a favourite of the singer, keyboardist and percussionist and »Can you shoot while dancing?« is one of her most remarkable lyric lines. Currently Noga is recording her debut album to be released on City Slang next year. So, here we have in all her glam and glory the possible next alt-pop star. And of course dancing is most beautiful and important thing in the whole world. We can all agree on that one.

Photo: Franz Grünewald
Alex.Do / 01.20 – 03.20 / SchwuZ Kathedrale
Rødhåd, Recondite, and Alex.do form the spearhead of Dystopian, an event series-turns-record label and currently the most popular young Techno brand in Berlin. Leading magazines from Groove to Resident Advisor are united on the topic. Alex, born in Hellersdorf and raised in Neuenhagen, is the young blood of the group. But rest assured he knows every trick in the book. In his productions, House and Dub are grooving in a Techno foundation. His DJ gigs take him around the whole globe. Alex took on a special task for Pop-Kultur: He will play a whole set with tracks from only a single year from the 80ies. Which one it will be, will not be revealed at this point.