Pop, Lyrik, Behinderungen, Transhumanismus, Post-Kolonialismus, Depression und wieder POP

Pop ist Performance, liebe Freunde der Pop-Kultur,

und nie war ein Klick in unseren Ticketshop besser als heute, schließlich haben wir brandneue Bestätigungen! Und diese drücken Pop in all seinen Facetten aus. Oder heißt es »in all ihren«? Der-die-das POP? Vielleicht sollten wir das ja beim Festival nochmals klären … Jedenfalls:

Die wunderbare Discoband Metronomy hat ein neues Album am Start. »Summer 08« heißt es und wird von Mastermind Joseph Mount ganz summer ‘16 like nicht als Konzert dargeboten, sondern in exklusiven DJ-Sets vorgestellt. Der Meister will es so. Und wir auch. Ergo findet die einzige Deutschlandshow während unseres Festivals statt.

Metronomy Mastermind Joseph Mount

Und wo wir schon bei Solisten sind. Der Kulturstaatssekretär und ehemalige Universal Deutschland Präsident sowie Ex-Geschäftsführer des Indies Motor Entertainment, Mr Tim Renner, wird mit Pop-Redakteur Jens Balzer über dessen neues Buch »POP. Ein Panorama der Gegenwart« sprechen.

Und überhaupt wird bei Pop-Kultur viel von und über Pop(-Kultur-und-Musik) geredet. So auch von Isolation Berlin-Sänger und Texter Tobias Bamborschke, der Schriftstellerin Kathrin Weßling und dem Radiomoderator und -Redakteur Andreas Müller (Deutschlandradio Kultur/ radioeins). Zu dritt sprechen sie zum Thema »Pop & Depression«, während ein weiterer Talk Pop, Behinderungen, Avantgarde und Transhumanismus gewidmet ist: In der vom Deutschlandradio Kultur konzipierten Runde treffen der MC Graf Fidi, Dr. Heike Raab und die beiden Redakteure Hartwig Vens und Dirk Schneider aufeinander.

Juliana Huxtable im Talk und mit exklusivem DJ-Set

Richtig konfrontativ wird es bei Ryan Mahan von der auch während Pop-Kultur auftretenden Band Algiers. Er verhandelt mit dem Guardian-Journalisten Josh Hall die Eindringlichkeit von Horrorfilmmusik unter dem Blickwinkel, was sie uns über strukturellen Rassismus und die (westlich) gesellschafftliche Leerstelle namens Post-Kolonialismus verraten kann. Nicht weniger avanciert geht es bei den beiden All-around-Künstlerinnen Fatima Al Qadiri und Juliana Huxtable zu, die, nachdem sie für die Berlin Biennale erstmals gemeinsam zusammengearbeitet haben, nun die Zwischenräume von Lyrik und Musik auf dem Podium ergründen. Huxtable, deren Arbeiten im New Yorker Guggenheim zu erleben waren, die die legendäre Party-Reihe »Shock Value« mitgegründet hat und Teil des House of Ladosha ist, wird zudem ein exklusives DJ-Set bestreiten.

Last but not least, freuen wir uns, verkünden zu dürfen, dass unser Festival Art Director Scott King einige seiner raren Pop-Artefakte im Rahmen des Festivals im Vollgutlager ausstellen wird. Darunter: das Prachtstück seiner Sammlung, das Feuerzeug Kurt Cobains, welches Sie natürlich bereits aus Paul Kellys von Pop-Kultur produzierter Dokumentation »Kurt’s Lighter« kennen.

Das komplette Programm gibt es an dieser Stellle. Und nicht vergessen, wer mindestens drei Module im Ticket Shop mittels »Wahl-Abo« kauft, der kann 10% beim Ticketkauf sparen.

Pop-Kultur. Programm 2016



How to Pop-Kultur with … Birger Schmidt

Birger Schmidt
What a tournament! The battle calls of the Icelandic vikings, the crazy Irish fans and the almost endless penalty shootout between Germany and Italy. Well, okay, some people might not be thaaaat interested in the current European Championship but Birger Schmidt definitely isn’t part of that group of people. He is the head of the football film festival “11mm” as well as the founder of Lernort Stadion e.V. and a well-known figure and popular expert whenever you are taking about football. So, there’s no need to seperate pop and football and that’s why we asked Birger Schmidt for his Friday plans for Pop-Kultur 2016.

How am I looking forward to September 2nd and a whole lot of Pop-Kultur!

I’ll begin my tour in the Prachtwerk at the reading by Jens Balzer whom I deeply appreciate for his well-meaning tone and for gifting us with golden observations from the lowlands of Pop. Thereafter, the trip goes to Malcolm Middleton at the Heimathafen. I really liked the subtle electronics and the strumming charm of Arab Strap and I will enjoy ballads such as „of fuck all“.

21:20h: Huxleys Neue Welt, Incredible 35 years after the founding of the amazing Sonic Youth, Thurston Moore and his band will enter the stage. It’ll surely get loud when they’ll celebrate finest New York „Noise Rock“. And to be able to level with my music-crazy daughters, the day is ending in the Keller with Pins and Best Friends, yet unbeknownst to me. .

If you want to compile the plan of Birger Schmidt for yourself you can get 10% off with the »Wahl-Abo« for Friday.

The Sound of Keøma: An exclusive Pop-Kultur Playlist


Australian artist and Berlin resident Kat Frankie doesn’t need an introduction anymore. Keøma, her still quite fresh project with Cologne-based musician Chris Klopfer maybe does. They both are about to bring the melancholic and melodramatic electro-pop of their self-titled debut live to the stage of Pop-Kultur on September the 1st. That’s reason enough to ask Mr. Klopfer about the origins of the Keøma sound. The answer comes – unsurprisingly – in the form of music and this exciting playlist, compiled exclusively for the Pop-Kultur Spotify account.

This playlist is showing pretty well how we found inspiration for our Keøma album. It was as colorfully mixed as the playlist: there’s RnB from Miguel as well as classic Rock music from Bruce Springsteen.

As we recorded the album ourselves, we had a lot of time and could include many styles that we liked. If you take a look at the list, it’s remarkable that most of the artists come from the USA. For both of us, it was the possibility to make a very free Pop album, that we probably wouldn’t have made for our solo projects.

Keøma perform live on September 1 at Huxleys Neue Welt. Tickets for the show are available here. If you buy three or more moduls for Pop-Kultur, you get 10% off. Just click »Wahl-Abo« at the shop to receive your discount.

How to Pop-Kultur with … Mirna Funk

Mirna Funk
Foto: Jessica Barthel

Everybody’s becoming a party animal for Pop-Kultur and prepares itself for the conquest of Neukölln’s nightlife. Author Mirna Funk is not exception to the rule. The East German-born lady is the latest participant in our “How to Pop-Kultur”-series and took care of Thursday, September the 1st. These are her recommendations.

I used to be a wild party girl, but nowadays no one gets me out of my apartment after 19:00 h. You’d have to shackle and kidnap me. But I’ll make an exception for Pop-Kultur. Well, I’ll begin early and quiet and end early and half-way loud. I’ll watch Mark Farrow and Scott King talking about graphics design at 17:40 h. I guess I’ll take my husband and our daughter. Thereafter, I’ll take in another talk on my own, cause talking is good for the brain. Fatima Al Qadiri shall tell me something about Kuwait. I’d like that. Or about art. Or about how you make art in Kuwait. That kinda stuff.

Because I usually go to bed at 21:00 h, my strength leaves me, but I’m going to watch A-WA. That’s simply a must. If I’m lucky, these Yemeni super girls from Israel play first. If not, I’ll stay until they come up, get a cab after the last chord is played and close my eyes on the way home.

Mirna Funk worked as a freelance journalist for »Neon«, »L’Officiel Germany« and »Süddeutsche Magazin«, as she writes about culture and life between Berlin and Tel Avid. Her debut novel “Winternähe” was released back in 2015 and awarded with the acclaimed Uwe-Johnson Prize for the best German debut. A film version is currently in the making. More information on her homepage. If you want to compile the plan of Mirna Funk or your own schedule for Pop-Kultur you can get 10 % off with the »Wahl-Abo« for Thursday.

How to Pop-Kultur with … Patrick Siegfried Zimmer

Patrick Siegfried Zimmer
Patrick Siegfried Zimmer likes to describe himself as an interdisciplinary designer; a term that makes quite some sense when you talk about the filmmaker, director and songwriter from Hamburg. His latest film »ANHEDONIA: Narzissmus als Narkose« with Robert Stadlober and Dirk von Lotzow got that much attention that Mr. Zimmer is already working on a sequel. And he’s also planning a first full-length album under his real name for 2017, after already releasing a couple of records under his moniker “finn.”

Pop-Kultur can be indeed very happy to have Patrick Siegfried Zimmer on board for a new edition of “How to Pop-Kultur”. These are his recommendations for Wednesday, August 31.

»On Wednesday, I teleport at exactly 17.40 h, out of my private lodgings in Hamburg into the Prachtwerk, to attend the reading by Jon Savage, moderated by the equally interesting artist Phil Collins (when I was a child, I have to admit, I did like his singing namesake). Then I’ll take a quick breather and afterwards let My bubba stomp my feet. Thereafter, tipsy as I’ll probably be, I shall jump into the Heimathafen and listen expectantly to the compositions of Girls Names and Cat’s Eyes. Due to this intoxicating experience, I’ll float to the SchwuZ like a „Dandy im Nebel“, to steal the last backstage beers from my euphoric friends of Trümmer. Cin Cin.«


The entire program for the festival and the Wednesday as well as the timetable can be found right here. If you’re planning to compile the schedule of Patrick Siegfried Zimmer for yourself you can get a 10% discount with the help of the »Wahl-Abo«. Zimmer’s film  “ANHEDONIA” will be released on DVD and as Video on Demand this fall.


Hendrik Otremba: About Writing

Everybody can write? Not really. At leastnot in the intensity  that really touches the reader. Hendrik Otremba is frontman and lyricist of the German post punk heroes MESSER but also a painter and cultural journalist. At Pop-Kultur 2016 he’ll not just present his debut novel “Über uns der Schaum”, but also host a course about writing lyrics in the course of our Nachwuchs program. Exclusively via Pop-Kultur Otremba has compiled his ideas about that subject.

Foto: Dirk Elsing

A text can suddenly be there. A text can take years of waiting. A text can develop in fragments or just appear completely. A text can serve a purpose or shut itself off to the world. A text can have a message or kill the author. A text can be waiting forever for you to write it. Or it’s you who’s waiting for something to turn into words. Apparently, the text doesn’t really exist. Anything can be text. Well, everything that can be read can thus be text – or: everything that creates significance. But what does that tell us about writing?

Nothing specific to begin with, apart from a myriad of possibilities to write – and I’m not even talking about the subjects. But this article is about a very particular form of writing, about poetry, about the writing of lyrics for pieces of music. Not in terms of a service, but as something that has to get out, that has to be written, that you have to write. How exactly does this find a form that is artful, one that gives back to you and others? To give something. For that, and here’s a huge disappointment, there is now recipe. Everybody writes differently and so this text can only be about my way of writing. But there are deliberations to be had, decisions to make, an awareness to be sharpened. Writing is most effective when you have understood which situations are best for you to write in. At the same time, you can’t know too much about your writing. That is a contradiction that cannot be narrated.

“It should hurt, otherwise, it doesn’t make sense”

Let’s play out one possibility: I wrote lyrics because there was a concrete occasion. That is possible and probably the case for many musicians. For such occasion-driven lyrics – I’m talking about social events, dying, systems, political assassinations etc. – you need a shock, at least I need it. I have to be so shocked, that I give up my security – the other (insecure) writing, that I’ll get to in a bit – and force myself to use the ink.

One should only sit down to write, when one feels indispensably prompted by circumstances that are not bearable or that carry you away.

That’s hard, as you would actually want to constantly write on against the whole world, against all the suffering, all the injustice, the pain, against the things that, in total, are so abstract, that the only thing making sense would be putting a scream on paper. But the more often you urge to do that, the more seldom should you do it. I plead for a household, that turns and flips, only allows sitting down when there is no other way when one feels – Caution! – forced to write by a higher power (???). The scream is supposed to be heard, that’s why its cacophonic sounds must be emitted clearly – and one should therefore really only decide to write decisively when there is no other way. I am convinced, that writing in this way only makes sense if one is concerned with the death of one’s own writing and when writing is something that is related to life and death. To put it another way (pardon my French): Do not just bust one out, do not write about a topic that has occupied you for some time, do not finally make a mark. It cannot feel like fulfillment, not like engagement, not like an attractive slogan. More like an unsolvable task. Then one will find words, but should, in turn, criticize these, should rethink them, grind them, beat them up, pep them up, sharpen them, turn them on time and again. Such texts actually have to be, really have to be, but they must not arise too often. Otherwise, they lose their power. If the ability for such writing lies within you, you should tame it and only let it out scarcely. It should hurt, otherwise, it doesn’t make sense. That’s why there are only a very few good protest songs. So, that’s the one thing.


Diffuse Feeling vs. Concrete Plan

But there is another form of writing, as worthy of protection as the one previously put into the light – that’s the other one. There surely are many more forms, but I want to talk about this one here. When you, as the writer, manage to outsmart yourself. When you manage to surrender yourself to the words. There’s no recipe for this one either. But it works a lot different than writing sitting down. Often fragmentary, at night, shortly after waking up, shortly after going to sleep, while being relaxed, while in ecstasy, in the meantime, with endless pauses in-between, on a train ride, with rediscovered notes, with sudden sentences in heads, in a pillow wet with tears. In short: a writing that you do not sit down for. It’s more of a form of writing that you kneel before. This kind of writing only calls for a whiff of an idea. A diffuse feeling. If you have a plan, you shouldn’t do it. You have to slowly figure out this way of writing, you have to learn to give in to it, learn to trust. Then, it will come to you. It’s the kind of writing you use a knife for, or scissors, slice things, so that they drift around somewhere, on their own. They begin to like themselves in their isolation. Numerous little particles that one forgets doesn’t take them seriously. If they’re worth it, they will come back, they’ll find each other, will crawl towards one another as if they’re pushed by a ghost, insects, fleeing from a giant’s warm breath, finally finding a breadcrumb.
You can observe, are barely part of the process, more of a marionette, performer.

The meanings that are created, don’t really need you anymore, even if they all but let you go. They are tied to you, become accessible to you later, make more sense than you ever thought they would.

When a text is done, you know it. It’s simply there. It has decided for itself to have taken form.

If it finished itself: that’s when it belongs to you, in the same moment, it only belongs to you and only to everybody else. This text obeys everyone in a different manner, evades everyone differently, everyone obeys its orders differently. A few verses enable worlds to coexist, that exclude each other.

If you have allowed yourself to create a text like this, if you had the patience, let go and tied it to you at the same time, you feel invigorated. You are allowed to be happy about that. And you are allowed to argue.

Those are two ways of writing, maybe it’s all of them. How should I know? I know nothing, apart from it being right. And that you’re probably dead when it’ drying up.

Hendrik Otremba

You want to participate in a workshop with Hendrik Otremba and other well-known characters, like Algiers, SassyBlack, Colin Newman of Wire and many more? Please click on the banner below before the deadline ends on June 20.

Special greetings by Mogwai to all of you

Mogwai.Brian Sweeney

The start of Pop-Kultur gets Atomic! As you should know by now Scottish post-rock heavyweights MOGWAI are opening Pop-Kultur with a unique film concert experience as they bring their soundtrack for the BBC documentary ‘Storyville – Atomic: Living in Dread and Promise’ to live. Find more information right here and just in case you aren’t convinced yet, here are a few special greeting words by guiatrist Barry Burns:

Dear visitors to Pop-Kultur-Berlin 2016 and Admiralspalast.

Mogwai are honoured to be invited to play our live soundtrack along to a cinematic screening of Mark Cousins’ BBC commissioned film “Atomic: Living in Dread and Promise”.
The film recounts the experiences of the nuclear dawn, the A-Bomb, the following Cold War, nuclear power disasters, the moments of hope, the good we could use (and have done) with the technology, and also the mass protests against nuclear energy and weapons which are still highly relevant today. We feel this is a film not to be missed and – within a live setting – feels more powerful than even we had hoped.

We look forward to being a part of the festival and we hope that you, like us, learn something more about a subject that continues to loom over us.
30.08. / 20.00 /

Attention: Pop-Kultur Nachwuchs is back!


Young people,

this one’s for you!

The Pop-Kultur program is finalized, pre-sale is running, it’s time for our favorite part: the Pop-Kultur Nachwuchs program 2016. No, that’s not our very own festival kindergarten, nor our ball pit (even though we’d really love that) and most definitely not our band contest. Instead, Pop-Kultur Nachwuchs is our two-day workshop program, created to benefit talents from all fields of music and the music industry. Maybe you are one of them?

Are you a young musician or are you preparing your next steps as a producer, DJ or composer? You want to work professionally in music management, a booking agency or your own label or want to exploit your music more target-oriented? You’re making your first steps as a director, music PR or as a journalist? If you have made first experiences in your field already, Pop-Kultur Nachwuchs will help you reach the next level. Hence, we are glad, that we can offer no less than 250 spots in this year’s two-day coaching program.

It’s going down on August 31st and September 1st in a couple of locations around the Alfred-Scholz-Platz in Neukölln. International professionals give personal insights into their work and share their expert knowledge through workshops, case studies and talks with you – lively and practical instead of dry and read off. Among them are Pop-Kultur acts such as SassyBlack (Ex-THEESatisfaction), Wire-head Colin Newman, the band Algiers or the musician, painter and author Hendrik Otremba from the group Messer. They are joined by cultural journalist Nadine Lange, musician Lucrecia Dalt, director Stephanie von Beauvais as well as creative director Morris Perry among others. With more mentors to be announced soon.

Overall, there will be more than 40 different courses in German and English during the two days of Pop-Kultur Nachwuchs. And as the program once more offers spots to talents from all over the world, you’ll be able to network across borders.

The application phase starts on Monday, May 23rd, on www.pop-kultur.berlin/nachwuchs and ends on June 20th. An expert jury will pick 250 talents for the sought-after spots in the program. The participation fee is 40 Euro, including lunch and access to the Vollgutlager –Pop-Kultur’s meeting place for professionals .

And if you, dear reader, do not consider yourself such a young talent, we’d be very thankful if you could spread the word to interested parties around you.

In any case: Stay curious!

Best Regards


Sorry dear May, Pop-Kultur 2016 is going to be better!



You’ll probably have noticed it already. Maybe because you are allergic to grass pollen (Drinking helps!) or maybe because your calendar is bursting. It’s May. Holidays. Memorial Days. Release Days… It’s getting hard to stay in the loop. And now we are popping up and claim:

Forget May! The change of August into September is the true summer!


Ye-hes, we’re completely serious. 100%. Then again, we already know the full program of our festival’s second edition, running from August 30th to September 2nd in Berlin-NeuköllnPre-Sale is starting at this moment!

What shall we say? Where shall we begin? We booked more than 70 artists. Old heroes, the local scene and the German debuts of some of the most promising newcomers of the year. Once more, we are not “just” showing live music, but concerts, DJ-Sets, readings, film premieres, talks. And again, the special charm of Pop-Kultur is that almost everything you’re going to see is something new – from the premieres of new albums to a lot of newcomer’s first ever shows in Germany. If you do not show up, you’ll be missing out. Sometimes, it’s that simple.

Two weeks ago, we were able to present you with some extracts of our 2016 program. Today, we want to introduce another 50 (fif-ty) names. But that would flood your inbox – and this newsletter. That’s why we allow ourselves to most politely throw all the confirmed acts at you, in alphabetical order, while sweetening the deal with a nice GIF. Moreover, we kindly refer you to our website, where all the acts and their specific endeavors at our festival are presented extensively. The headliner is whoever you think is your personal highlight.


cat gift

Pop-Kultur 2016
Abra, Al English, Alex.do, Alex Murray-Leslie, Alice Cohen, Algiers, Ana Ana, A-Wa, Best Friends, Brandt Brauer Frick, Cat’s Eyes, Colin Newman, Deadbear, Diät, Eska, Exploded View, Ezra Furman, Fai Baba, Fatima Al Qadiri, Fishbach, Frankie Cosmos, Girls Names, Heimer, Hendrik Otremba, Imarhan, Immersion, Jens Balzer, John Roberts, Jon Savage, Karies, Keøma, Levin Goes Lightly, Liars, LUH, Malcom Middleton, Mark Farrow, Matthew Herbert, Miko, Missincat, MogwaiMule & Man, My Bubba, Naked, Nancy Pants, No Joy, Pins, Phil Collins, Phoebe Killdeer, Richard Hell, Roosevelt, Royal Comfort, rRoxymore, Ryan Vail, SassyBlack, Schwund, Scott King, Selda Bağcan & Boom Pam, Show Me the Body, Skinny Girl Diet, Sarah Miles, Stara Rzeka, Tellavision, The Hidden Cameras (solo), The KVB, The Numero Group, The Weather Station, Thurston Moore BandTrümmer, Tygapaw, U.S. Girls, Valerie Trebeljahr, Your Friend, Zebra Katz, Zola Jesus

Just as we did in 2015, we divided the festival into different modules. Thusly, each guest only has to pay for the parts of the program he or she really wants to see. The tickets cost between 5 € – e.g. for a talk-module in the Prachtwerk or the Passage-Kino – and 25 € for one of the three large concerts at Huxleys (e.g. Brandt Bauer Frick with Roosevelt or Selda Bağcan & Boom Pam plus Keøma); plus pre-sales fee. But the best part is that you can put together your individualized festival ticket, including the 10% Pop-Kultur Discount if you buy more than two tickets.

Furthermore, there are still tickets available for Mogwai and their live performance of the soundtrack for the film »Atomic« on the eve of the festival. More information on Pop-Kultur Nachwuchs, our workshop program for talents from all areas of the music business will soon be released.

And for all allergy sufferers: Stay strong, in the end of August, you’ll be fine.

Yours truly

Dr. Pop-Kultur


We are on fire!


Do you also have a sweaty towel at home? A guitar pick or a broken drumstick? Maybe even a shot glass or even Frank Zander`s curry sausage fork? Or are you more into Sido’s or Bushido’s empty spray cans?

The Berlin Wall fell on November 11th, 1989. But that’s not all: In Schöneberg, an unknown band called Nirvana played their first Berlin show and Kurt Cobain’s lighter fell into the hands of the young Britt Scott King. The spark was lit. It had been a »semi spiritual experience« for him, says the nowadays world renowned graphics designer. But he didn’t leave it at a lighter…
Together with Paul Kelly, King shot a whole movie about his collector’s passion and the incredible story of this gem: »Kurt’s Lighter« can now be exclusively streamed on www.pop-kultur.berlin in full length.


Now, of course, we thought the whole thing through to the end: To give you a possibility to collect memorabilia, spiritual moments and memories, we are hosting the Pop-Kultur festival in Berlin-Neukölln from August 31st to September 2nd. And we have great news: ticket presale for the events at SchwuZ, Huxleys Neue Welt, Passage Kino, Keller and Prachtwerk starts on May 9th, 2016.

In case you’re thinking: Great, but I don’t really know you (or only have for a year). Why should I trust you?! Well, we thought of that, too. While the complete lineup will be released on May 9th, here are a couple of the program’s highlights. As always, you can expect numerous premieres and a mix of concerts, films, talks and readings.


For a lot of people, Selda Bağcan is not only one of the great voices of Anatolian psych Rock music, she is the greatest voice. It’s crystal clarity immediately engraves into your Soul. »Pop-Kultur« brings the opinion leader and favorite singer of Anohni (Antony Hegarty) and Elija Wood, amongst others, together with the band Boom Pam, back to Berlin. The young trio of sisters A-Wa, from Isreal, just as Boom Pam, are on the way to becoming a border-crossing global pop phenomenon, not only because of their hit »Habib Galbi«. The heirs of Ofra Haza will premiere new material at »Pop-Kultur«.

Further, a whole travel party from New York will make its appearance: Punk icon Richard Hell (»Blank Generation«) reads from his autobiography; the powerfully eloquent and furious poet and performer Zebra Katz vogues on stage; the never tired, incredible Frankie Cosmos gives a voice to the Generation Y.

With Your Friend’s experimental Loop-Pop,Algiers’ Soul-Gospel-Punk-explosion andZola Jesus’ mighty voice we move to the West Coast: The woman behind Seattle’s SassyBlack is Catherine »Cat« Harris-White; one-half of the enormously talented duo THEESatisfaction. She shares her roller coaster-like dating experience as a queer black woman in modern America with us and will also play a DJ-Set.


Fatima Al Qadiri is new to Berlin, the genius music producer, that moved to the capital via New York, just released a thrilling electronic concept album about the freedom to demonstrate and police brutality, She will dedicate her DJ-Set to the global bass-continuum. The Hamburg-based band Trümmer is no less engaged and inspiring. They will also bring new material to the festival.

We’re especially looking forward to the performance of the Algerian band Imarhan. The Tuareg gently open up the Assouf, basically the Tuareg Blues, to Pop music and West African rhythms. At »Pop-Kultur«, they will present their enticing album in a festival context for the first time.

Our visitors from Great Britain include Cat’s Eyes (Classical Music meets John Carpenter and Opera meets 60’s Proto-Pop) and the new Mute Records signing LUH – both premiere their new albums for the first time in Germany – as well as Immersion, the joint project of Wire’s Colin Newman and Malka Spigel. The couple recorded fresh heavenlyAmbient Drone music after a hiatus of nine years. Newman will further join a talk podium.

But, music will not only be played at »Pop-Kultur«, it will also be read: The great Matthew Herbert returns – after his multiple involvements in last year’s edition – and presents his new album »A NUDE (the perfect body)«. However, the album is not published on a recording medium, but as prose, which Herbert himself will recite. A stimulating experience! Just like the evening with the shock ‘n’ shake band Liars are going to premiere the soundtrack to the movie »1/1« live – and will further take part in a talk.

Brandt Brauer Frick

During the three festival days, Berlin itself will be represented by a multitude of local heroes and talents: The Analog-Electronica trio Brandt Brauer Frick premieres its new album; Keøma, Kat Frankie’s new band, performs; Diät presents snappy and melodic, washed out Punk sound. The renowned and experienced Roosevelt, who moved from Cologne to Berlin just to record his debut, introduces his newest great Pop scheme.

For a lot of the concerts, Pop-Kultur closely cooperated with Berlin-based companies, such as City Slang, Landstreicher, Melt! Booking or Powerline.

Now, that really is a lot, isn’t it? So, to give you a good overview, here are the names in alphabetical order:

Algiers, A-Wa, Brandt Brauer Frick, Cat’s Eyes, Diät, Fatima Al Qadiri, Frankie Cosmos, Imarhan, Immersion, Keøma, Liars, Luh, Matthew Herbert, Richard Hell, Roosevelt, SassyBlack, Selda Bağcan ft. Boom Pam, Trümmer, Your Friend, Zebra Katz, Zola Jesus

We are looking forward to meet you! We will provide enough fire, lighters and curry sausage spits (only on demand – please let us know in advance if you require one). And don’t forget: No other than the Scottish Instrumental-Band Mogwai premieres their new Album “Atomic” in a unique film concert on August 30th.
